
Showing posts from November, 2022

Guide to Angular

 All you need to know about Angular  What is Angular?? Angular is an amazing platform and  an open-source front end  framework for building single-page client applications .It uses HTML, CSS and Typescript.  It is developed by Google and has an MIT license. What is Typescript? It is a superscript of Javascript. It is used because it reduces bugs and provides an increased ability to confidently refactor your code.  Getting started with angular Step 1: To install the Angular CLI, open a terminal window and run the following command:                    npm install -g @angular/cli Step 2:  Then you can build your website give command                   ng new appName              The CLI creates a new workspace and a simple Welcome app, ready to run. Step 3:  Run your application by giving the following commands              cd appName              ng serve --o                     http://localhost:4200/ opens up            If setup was successful you will get a following page