
Guide to Angular

 All you need to know about Angular  What is Angular?? Angular is an amazing platform and  an open-source front end  framework for building single-page client applications .It uses HTML, CSS and Typescript.  It is developed by Google and has an MIT license. What is Typescript? It is a superscript of Javascript. It is used because it reduces bugs and provides an increased ability to confidently refactor your code.  Getting started with angular Step 1: To install the Angular CLI, open a terminal window and run the following command:                    npm install -g @angular/cli Step 2:  Then you can build your website give command                   ng new appName              The CLI creates a new workspace and a simple Welcome app, ready to run. Step 3:  Run your application by giving the following commands              cd appName              ng serve --o                     http://localhost:4200/ opens up            If setup was successful you will get a following page              

Project management-What? ,Why? ,How?

Project management-What? ,Why? ,How?  (6 min read) What is Project Management?? It is a key which involves planning , organisation , management and  communication which can open a way to develop and complete a quality project in a   given duration.  What is it about? Its about getting things done  Its about planning and deciding on what is the goal of the project. Its about planning how you will achieve the goal. Its about knowing how long will you take to achieve it. Its about making sure that everyone involved understands the goal of the project. What is a successful project? A project which is delivered without compromising over 'Time' , 'Cost' and 'Quality of work'.   Skills Required to be a good Project Manager Communication                         Leadership Negotiation Team Management Personal Organisation Risk Management Steps to implement project management Step 1 : Initiation           It involves understanding the project and analysing its feasibility